Your affiliation programmes become innovative and efficient
Pierre, head of acquisition
You can also come to Effiliation!
Bet on humanand local factors
Our regional, national and international offices ensure human closeness to all our Advertising and Editing partners.
Innovate in all fields!
Innovation and permanent monitoring allow us to anticipate and create models and technologies adapted to your new issues
Make use of our experts
Our affiliation teams are aimed at supporting you in your digital acquisition by helping you benefit from the best practices.
Develop internationally
With our international presence and wide network of publishers, we support you in your development in Europe, Brazil and Russia.
Work with confidence
In the affiliation market for 18 years, we have been able to face the evolution of habits and digital attribution models
Effiliation defines a customised strategy for each of its customers, based on their goals, field of activity, their reach, etc.
With affiliation, we recommend to activate multiple combinations of different acquisition channels. By modifying the different combinations, we produce unique models.
Finding the best possible combination by enabling the most relevant channels, is the role of our affiliation experts.
They implement the best solutions by your side every day. We offer to discover some of their strategies...
Thematic websites
The expert: Maxime, Account Manager at Effiliation.
The problem: How does Maisonsdumonde France ensure its brand positioning and contextualisation of its affiliation products?
The solution: We implement a recruitment and activation strategy of theme affiliates (webzines, portals, shopping guides, etc.) following an approved methodology.
In addition, we identify non-registered publishers thanks to our Effisugest technology, and we ensure consistency in recruitment, facilitation, and conversion with our Go Back Home and Affiliate Breeding processes.
The expert: Marine, Influence Solutions Manager at BrandYouLike
The problem: Tadaaz, specialist in customised notifications, wanted to develop the reputation of its services.
The solution: We have implemented an influence campaign with blog articles and posts on social networkson two different topics: Marriage and Birth.
Specialist articles focus on highlighting know-how and quality of service.
In order to boost social network posts, we have organised competitions, as well as exclusive codes for influencer communities on both topics covered by the advertiser.
The expert: Julia, International Business Developer
The problem: Eurosport wished to launch acquisition campaigns in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain.
The solution: Our local agencies constantly deal with everyday campaign development and adapt to market trends in question. Our platform centralises results and allows to monitor performance globally. Thus, Eurosport has its own recommendations for every country and a unique reference for its campaigns.
Discount codes
The expert: Victor, Account Manager
The problem: How do you acquire new customers and ensure the visibility of Coupon and Promo Code sites without being subject to them?
The solution: We work with a limited number of players to ensure we control how the promotional codes are published and to guarantee their validity. Our technology which measures the engagement rate helps us remunerate publishers based on customer journey analysis. This technology determines, whether a customer has already been engaged on the Advertiser’s site prior to the purchase or not.
Lead generation
The expert: Estelle, Head of Montpellier Agency
The problem: Hérault Tourisme wanted to organise a prospect recruitment campaign while giving value the destination, each partner and their territory.
The solution: We have developed a mini recruitment site, specifically designed to give value to each territory by involving the site’s visitors in the discovery and choice of a destination. We promoted this mini site through a range of carefully selected publishers and via emailing campaigns. Mission accomplished!
The expert: Anthony, Team Leader Agence B2B
The problem: Boygues Telecom Entreprises aimed to generate B2B leads through content marketing in order to reduce dependence on their classic emailing acquisition campaigns.
The solution: as a result, we have thus developed a series of white papers revolving around Bouyges Telecom Entreprises’ offers which generated over 1,700 leads in 4 months.
Hybrid technology
The expert: Victor, Account Manager
The problem: A large chain specialised in leisure, multimedia and household appliances was looking for a custom-built tool to directly monitor its top affiliates.
The solution: Thanks to Effiliation’s technology, we have implemented this solution, along with a recurrent recruitment activity of long-tail affiliates from our network. It was a massive success!
Small e-commerce businesses
The expert: Élodie, Team Leader of Selldorado, develops a visibility of small e-commerce companies with a simplified affiliation platform
The problem: Our customers seek a simple way to promote themselves and develop their sales without financial risk!
The solution: Selldorado automatically advertises them with the biggest publishers: voucher and cashback sites, advertising retargeting and remarketing partners, all of which adds 15% to their turnover.
Des interfaces simples, solides et accessibles en plusieurs langues et plusieurs devises vous permettent de mettre en place, tester, optimiser votre acquisition digitale.
Grâce à notre outil de tracking, nous mesurons et donc rémunérons de manière efficace l’ensemble des actions effectuées par vos partenaires, que ce soit au CPM / CPC / CPL / CPA ou de façon hybride.
Une organisation éprouvée et des outils adaptés pour la gestion des flux financiers de l’ensemble des actions réalisées par vos partenaires, et ce, en s’adaptant à votre organisation administrative et financière.
Une solution conçue être un facilitateur de la relation avec vos différents apporteurs d’affaires, que ce soit en terme de notoriété de marque, de trafic ou de conversion.
Nous représentons vos valeurs et nous nous considérons comme vos ambassadeurs. Nous sommes fortement attaché à l'éthique de ce métier et nous combattons tous types de fraude.
Un large éventail de secteurs d'activité couverts
Effiliation possède un réseau de plus de 45 000 éditeurs dont environ 37 000 en BtoC et 12 000 en BtoB.
Les sites Généralistes (33%*), Médias (14%*) et High Tech (12%*) sont parmi les plus représentés, suivent les éditeurs Mode & Lifestyle (9%*), Beauté & Santé (6%*) et Déco (5%*).
Quel que soit votre secteur d'activité vous trouverez les partenaires en adéquation avec vos produits ou services.
Les objectifs des affiliés dans le parcours d’achat
Pour accompagner les annonceurs dans leur acquisition digitale, Effiliation dispose d'un réseau couvrant l'ensemble du parcours client :
Notoriété (9%*) : Coregistration & Emailing, Programmatique & Régies, Sub-Network, SU & Footer, Search Ads
Considération (76%*) : Influenceurs, Portails / Sites Thématiques, Wishlist & Cagnottes, Guide d’Achat & Test Produit
Évaluation (8%*) : Comparateurs de Services, Comparateurs de Tourismes, Comparateurs E-commerce
Optimisation (7%*) : Bons plans & deals, Cashback & Reward
Achat (2%*) : Remarketing Email / Bannière, On-site Remarketing